
Teresa Teng邓丽君 Love Without End不了情


Teresa passed away in Chiangmai, Thailand, on the 8th of May, 1995. I was really devastated when I read about it in the papers two days later. She was flown back to Taiwan where she was buried on the 28th of May.

Teresa was given a state funeral in Taiwan, with the Republic of China flag draped over her coffin and the former president Lee Teng-hui in attendance among thousands in mourning. Here is a short clip of the wake.

May 8th, this year, 2010 is the 15th anniversary of that sad day in Chiangmai, Thailand, when a massive traffic jam prevented her from reaching the hospital on time.

This song is titled Bu Liao Qing, or "Love without end." It was recorded in France during one of her practices. Her family came to terms with their loss and were able to share this with the rest of the world in 2001, 6 years after her death.



   Love without end 

忘不了 忘不了                   I can't forget, no, I can't,

忘不了你的錯                    I can't forget your faults,

忘不了你的好                    Nor I can forget the good you do.


忘不了雨中的散步              I can't forget our walk in the rain


也忘不了風裡的擁抱        I can't forget our embrace in the wind.


忘不了 忘不了                 I can't forget , no, I can't forget,

忘不了你的淚                    I can't forget your tears

忘不了你的笑                  Nor can I forget your laughter

忘不了落葉的惆悵             I can't forget the melancholy of falling leaves

也忘不了那花開的煩惱       I can't forget the sorrow of blooming folwers.


寂寞的長巷                     In the long narrow lane,

而今斜月清照                  it shines the slanting light of a clear moon.


                                    The deserted swing sways gently with the wind

它重複你的叮嚀                It repeats your urging,

一聲聲 忘了忘了               over and over again, " forget it, forget it ."

它低訴我的衷曲                It seems to say the words from my heart,

忘不了 忘不了                   I can't forget , no, I can't forget,

忘不了 忘不了                   I can't forget , no, I can't forget,

忘不了春已盡                    I can't forget that spring has ended.

忘不了花已老                   Nor can I forget that flowers has faded.

忘不了離別的滋味              I can't forget the feeling of parting.

也忘不了那相思的苦惱         Nor can I forget sadness of missing a lover.

寂寞的長巷                       In the long narrow lane,

而今斜月清照                    It shines the slanting light of a clear moon.

冷落的鞦韆   而今迎風輕搖

                                     The deserted swing swings gently with the wind.

它重複你的叮嚀                It repeats your urging,

一聲聲 忘了忘了              over and over again,

它低訴我的衷曲               It seems to say the words from my heart,

忘不了 忘不了                 " forget it, forget it."

忘不了春已盡                 I can't forget that sprimg has ended

忘不了花已老                 Nor can I forget that flowers has faded

I can't forget the feeling of parting

也忘不了那相思的苦惱     Nor can I forget sadness of missing a lover.

忘不了 忘不了               I can't forget, no I can't

忘不了 忘不了               
I can't forget, no I can't


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